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Saint Joseph High School honors outstanding student-athletes, coaches, teams, athletics administrators, and significant contributors to its sports programs with membership to the high school’s prestigious Athletics Hall of Fame. Student-athlete inductees must be Saint Joseph graduates, must have lettered in a varsity sport, must have attended Saint Joseph High School for at least three years, and must possess a record of high performance and excellence. Coaches, athletics administrators, and people who have significantly contributed to the advancement of interscholastic sports at Saint Joseph High School may also be nominated for membership. Inductees bring recognition, acclaim, and pride to the Brothers of the Sacred Heart and Saint Joseph High School. Their record of sportsmanship and lifestyle of integrity and probity makes them role models for current and future Saint Joseph High School student-athletes. The 2023 Hall of Fame Class will be selected in April 2023 and feted in the fall of that year during an induction ceremony at the Metuchen Golf and Country Club.



Former student-athletes, coaches, teams, athletics administrators, and significant contributors to Saint Joseph High School athletics are eligible for nomination under the considerations delineated below.

  • A minimum of five (5) full calendar years must have elapsed between a student-athlete’s graduation from Saint Joseph High School and his nomination. For example, student-athletes who graduated from Saint Joseph High School in May 2017 or before are eligible for Class of 2023 induction. Student-athletes must have attended Saint Joseph High School for at least three years.

  • A minimum of five (5) full calendar years must have elapsed between a team’s performance and its nomination. For example, teams whose seasons concluded on or before March 1, 2018 are eligible for Class of 2023 induction. The March 1, 2023 date reflects the deadline for receipt of Hall of Fame nomination forms.

  • A minimum of five (5) full calendar years must have elapsed between the conclusion of a coach or athletics administrator’s tenure at Saint Joseph High School and his/her nomination. For example, coaches or athletics administrators whose tenure at Saint Joseph concluded on or before March 1, 2018 are eligible for Class of 2023 induction. The March 1, 2023 date reflects the deadline for receipt of Hall of Fame nomination forms. The selection committee is permitted to take into account the coaching achievements of active head coaches only when such individuals have been nominated for induction as student-athletes. In such specific cases, the selection committee reserves the right to review the nominee’s entire body of work as a student-athlete and coach.

  • Individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of Saint Joseph High School’s athletics program are eligible at any time for nomination.

  • A nominee’s record of sportsmanship and lifestyle of integrity and probity should serve as a model for current and future Saint Joseph High School student-athletes.

  • Nominations for posthumous induction will be accepted provided the nominees meet the aforementioned considerations.

  • Nominees who are not elected during the year in which they were nominated will remain eligible for election for a period of six (6) years following their initial nomination.


Nominations of qualified candidates will be accepted through March 1, 2023. All nominations must include sufficient documentation to provide the committee with compelling evidence of each candidate’s qualifications (the onus is on the nominator).

  • Nominations will be accepted electronically via an online application form and received via certified mail postmarked no later than March 1, 2023 via a printable application form.



Nominators are required to complete the online form linked here or to submit a completed version via email or certified mail of a printable form (link pending). Before completing the form, nominators should have thoroughly read the accompanying Saint Joseph Athletics Hall of Fame overview and philosophy, candidate eligibility requirements, and nomination guidelines. Nominators are encouraged to strengthen their candidate’s case by providing support materials attached as links in the appropriate spaces provided on the online form. Those support materials can be printed out and included in certified mailings or scanned and included in attachments to electronic (emailed) filings. Support materials may include press clippings, official biographical sketches, or any other documents that provide evidence of excellence. 

Completed nomination forms must be submitted before March 1, 2023. Completed printable forms can be scanned and sent electronically before March 1, 2023 to Saint Joseph High School Director of Athletics Ryan Carter via with the words “Hall of Fame” in the subject, or sent via certified mail with a postmark no later than March 1, 2023 to Saint Joseph High School, 145 Plainfield Avenue, Metuchen, NJ 08840, c/o Hall of Fame Committee. All forms contain two parts: one requesting information about the nominator and the other requesting information about the candidate. The candidate portion of the form allows individuals to nominate former student-athletes, coaches, teams, athletics administrators and/or special contributors. Please be sure to complete all applicable categories. We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to nominate a Falcon great.

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